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Financial Wellness

Apr 12, 2021 | Personal Finance

A recent financial wellness report from SHRM (Society for Human Resources Management) states that an overall 52% of workers are worried about their finances, and a whopping 64% of Millennials are concerned. The study concludes that the younger the worker, the greater the worry.

And it’s no wonder. According to Bankrate’s 2018 financial security index survey, fewer than 39% of people questioned have $1000 or more on hand to cover an emergency.  

Health Impact

Money worries can negatively impact your health and just about every system in your body. It can also distract you from the task at hand on your job, resulting in lost productivity. 

So, short of making more money, what can you do to improve your financial wellness and cope with financial stress? There are a few things, starting with self-care. This can take the form of yoga, exercise, or meditation. Even a short walk, according to Anxiety and Depression Association of America, can produce positive benefits. Any exercise release endorphins, which help against the negative side-effects of stress. 

Meditation seems like it should be simple enough, but often isn’t. The first step may include unplugging from social media and the temptation to compare yourself to others who are doing better. Instead, remind yourself that your financial situation isn’t going to last.  

Get It Organized

And for that to be true, you need to identify your financial stressors — overwhelming credit card or student loan debt, medical expenses, etc. — and figure out how to address them.  This may be easier than you think. Contact your creditors and ask them to help you with a revised payment plan. 

Meanwhile, draw up a budget and see what cuts you can make. There are probably more unnecessary expenses than you realize, and seeing them on paper can be an eye-opener. 

You can also look online for resources, such as financial blogs or YouTube videos or even podcasts. Improving your financial literacy can certainly help you come to grips with your present situation. 

Financial Wellness Programs

Ask if your workplace offers financial wellness programs. Some companies are starting to include financial planning in their budget because they recognize that money worries can lead to lost productivity, even absenteeism due to stress-related illness.

Written by Stan Timmons

Stan is a journalist, novelist, illustrator, magazine writer and comic book creator. With a lifetime of being a freelance creator, he’s learned a thing or two about saving money, building credit and living smart.

The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional financial advice. You should consult a credit counseling professional concerning the information provided and what should work best in your financial situation. And any action on your part in response to the information provided is at your discretion.

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