We go the Extra Mile.

Extra Mile is our way of giving back. Minute Loan Center donates a portion of our earnings to our local communities to support local charities selected by our team. Minute Loan Center has been a part of the community for decades. We want to continue our support and dedication to the communities we serve.

How a Debt Default Could Affect YOU!

With only days left until the U.S. default deadline, a mix of angst and anger are setting in at home and abroad. While the world watches, Americans such as you, our readers, most want to know what to do to prepare and how this will all affect our lives in the short...

Credit Card Debt

Credit Card Debt

How Much Does the Average American Owe? As of September 2013 the average US household credit card debt stands at $15,185, the result of a small number of deeply indebted households forcing up the numbers. Based on Federal Reserve statistics, the average household owes...

Just a few of the local charities we’ve supported through donations: