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Extra Mile by Minute Loan Center

Assorted photos of charity projects in progress

Through the Extra Mile support initiative, we offer support for local charities by giving a portion of our earnings to local charities most deserving, as selected by our team. With Minute Loan Center’s presence in more than ten states, we are committed to ensuring that our CSR efforts are truly felt in each location.

Our support is in the form of sponsoring events, offering gifts, or awarding grants. We collaborate with these organizations that have helped to impact critical societal areas like healthcare, education, the environment, and poverty eradication.

Just a few of the local charities that have received support through Extra Mile donations:

Women Helping Women Maui
Tans Treats
Brandywine Valley SPCA
Community Resource Center
Utah Food Bank
Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center
The Shade Tree
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mississippi

Brand Building and Reputation

Minute Loan Center also benefits from offering support for charities by having an improved public image and enhancing relationships with the stakeholders. The social and economic implications of a business to the people are becoming even more important to the customers, and often, they are more willing to work with companies that are committed to social responsibility. As such, Extra Mile support has been an avenue for free marketing to enhance our visibility and reach.

Extra Mile Brings Us Together

It takes a proactive and collaborative approach to offer support successfully. For this reason, Extra Mile brought together the Minute Loan Center management and the stakeholders to form a team. Their contribution has helped us identify needs in society and take an all-rounded approach in our issuance of support for charities. 

In our quest to propagate these positive results, we ask our customers, employees, and other interested parties to join us on this noble quest. We hope to continue our support program as our dedication to the communities we serve.